TCID | Name | Domain | Kingdom/Phylum | Protein(s) |
1.B.162.1.1 | Cap15, chains A and B, of 131 aas, have been solved and revealed a compact 8 stranded β-barrel. It allows the bacteria to disrupt the inner membrane to protect itself from the virus (see family description) (Duncan-Lowey et al. 2021). It resembles the short soluble region of about 160 aas between TMSs 2 and 3 in the K+ channel with a Uniprot ID of F7Q1W9 and a TC# of 1.A.1.2.39. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | Cap15 of Haloplasma contractile |
1.B.162.1.2 | pancortin-3 of 198 aas and 2 or 3 N-terminal TMSs. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | Pancortin-3 of E. coli |
1.B.162.1.3 | Uncharacterized protein of 183 aas and 3 TMSs, 2 at the N-terminus of the protein and one in the middle of the protein. | Bacteria |
Mycoplasmatota | UP of Acholeplasmatales bacterium (gut metagenome) |
1.B.162.1.4 | Uncharacterized protein of 196 aas with two N-terminal TMSs. | Bacteria |
Bacteroidota | UP of Sunxiuqinia elliptica |
1.B.162.1.5 | Uncharacterized protein of 225 aas and 2 N-terminal TMSs. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Blastomonas natatoria |
1.B.162.1.6 | Uncharacterized protein of 205 aas and 2 N-terminal TMSs. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Methylobacterium sp. WL116 |
1.B.162.1.7 | Uncharacterized protein with two N-terminal TMSs. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Thalassospira xiamenensis |
1.B.162.1.8 | Uncharacterized protein of 228 aas and 2 or 3 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Zoogloea oleivorans |
1.B.162.1.9 | Uncharacterized protein of 250 aas and 2 or 3 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Planctomycetota | UP of Tautonia marina |
1.B.162.1.10 | Uncharacterized protein of 255 aas and 3 N-terminal TMSs. | Bacteria |
Bacteroidota | UP of Kordia antarctica |