TCID | Name | Domain | Kingdom/Phylum | Protein(s) |
1.W.1.1.1 | Samonella phage P22 portal protein 1 of 725 aas and no TMSs. It forms a dodecameric ring structure and plays an important role in ejection of the phage DNA, through the cell envelope, into the host cell cytoplasm (Lokareddy et al. 2017). See family description for more details. | Viruses |
Heunggongvirae, Uroviricota | Portal protein of Salmonella phage P22 |
1.W.1.1.2 | Phage portal protein of 703 aas. | Viruses |
Heunggongvirae, Uroviricota | PP of EBPR podovirus 1 |
1.W.1.1.3 | Phage portal protein of 623 aas | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | Portal protein of Bartonella alsatica |
1.W.1.1.4 | Portal protein of 749 aas | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | PP of Comamonas testosteroni |
1.W.1.1.5 | Coil containing protein of 696 aa | Viruses |
Heunggongvirae, Uroviricota | Coil-containing protein of Vibrio phage 1.205.O. |
1.W.1.1.6 | Putative phage portal protein of 701 aa | Viruses |
PPP of a prokaryotic dsDNA virus | |
1.W.1.1.7 | Uncharacterized protein of 697 aas | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Tatlockia micdadei |
1.W.1.1.8 | Portal protein p19 of 750 aas. This protein reveals good extensive similarity with other members of the subfamily with TC#s 1.W.1.1, but also with the hydrophilic domain of TC# 1.W.1.2.1 (e-11). The N-terminal hydrophobic domain is lacking in this protein. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | PP of Acinetobacter harbinensis |
1.W.1.1.9 | Uncharacterized protein of 613 aas. | Bacteria |
Fibrobacterota | UP of Fibrobacter sp. UWP2 |