TCID | Name | Domain | Kingdom/Phylum | Protein(s) |
8.B.39.1.1 | Conotoxin im23.3 of 70 aas and 1 TMS. It is a neurotoxin that induces excitatory symptoms in mice following intracranial administration (Ye et al. 2012). The 3-d structure of a 42 aa seqence from a similar conotoxin, conotoxin im17.a from the same organism, has been solved (PDB acc# 2LMZ). | Eukaryota |
Metazoa, Mollusca | CoTx im23.3 of Conus imperialis |
8.B.39.1.2 | Uncharacterized protein of 100 aas and 1 N-terminal TMS. | Bacteria |
Pseudomonadota | UP of Bathymodiolus septemdierum thioautotrophic gill symbiont |