TCDB is operated by the Saier Lab Bioinformatics Group

9.B.57 The Conidiation and Conidial Germination Protein (CCGP) Family 

The MTP1 gene, encoding a type III integral transmembrane protein, was isolated from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The Mtp1 protein is 520 amino acids long and is probably orthologous to the Ytp1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with 46% sequence similarity. Prediction programs and MTP1-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion expression results indicated that Mtp1 is a protein located at several membranes exposed to the cytoplasm. The MTP1 gene was primarily expressed at the hyphal and conidial stages and is necessary for conidiation and conidial germination, but is not required for pathogenicity. The Δmtp1 mutant grew more efficiently than the wild type strain on non-fermentable carbon sources, implying that MTP1 has a role in respiratory growth and carbon source use (Lu et al. 2008).

This family belongs to the: Major Facilitator (MFS) Superfamily.

References associated with 9.B.57 family:

Lu, Q., J.P. Lu, X.D. Li, X.H. Liu, H. Min, and F.C. Lin. (2008). Magnaporthe oryzae MTP1 gene encodes a type III transmembrane protein involved in conidiation and conidial germination. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 9: 511-519. 18600780
West, R.W., Jr, M.D. Crivellone, J. Ma, and S. Thomas. (1996). Sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae YTP1 gene encoding a deduced novel type-III integral membrane protein with domains of sequence similarity to mitochondrial electron-transport enzymes. Gene 169: 119-124. 8635735