1.A.153. The Putative Chemoreceptor (PCR) Family These protein are found in animals (Tardigrade, i.e., (Water bears), and are diverse in sequence, but they have the usual 2 or 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 TMS topology. They are presumed to resemble Odorant Receptors of TC family # 1.A.69 (Himmel et al. 2023). After two iterations with PSI-BLAST, members of family 1.A.69 come up in large numbers.
Uncharacterized glustatory receptor of 554 aas and 7 TMSs in a 4 + 2 + 1 TMS arrangement (Himmel et al. 2023).
UGR of Remazzottius virieornatus (Water bear) (Tardigrade)
Uncharacterized protein of 486 aas and 7 TMSs in a 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 TMS arrangement.
UP of Hypsibius exemplaris
Uncharacterized protein of 491 aas and 8 putative TMSs in a 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 TMS arrangement.
UP of Paramacrobiotus metropolitanus
Uncharacteried protein of 457 aas and possibly 9 TMSs in a 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 TMS arrangement.
UP of Paramacrobiotus metropolitanus
Uncharacterized protein of 447 aas with 7 TMSs in a 4 + 2 + 1 TMS arrangement.
UP of Hypsibius exemplaris