1.B.75 The DUF481 Putative Beta Barrel Porin (DUF481) Family
The DUF481 family consists of large numbers of proteins from a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. These proteins are of about 230 - 260 aas, but some are longer due to hydrophilic extensions. These proteins have an N-terminal signal sequence as well as 10 - 12 putative TM β-strands. An E. coli K12 member of the family is YdiY. These proteins probably belong to the: Outer Membrane Pore-forming Protein I (OMPP-I) Superfamily, but this suggestion has not been rigorously substantiated.
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 241 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 10 putative β-TMSs.
DUF481 OMP of Salmonella enterica
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 358 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 12 putative β-TMSs.
DUF481 OMP of Rhodopirellula sallentina
YdiY OMP of 252 aas. Acid induces its synthesis (Stancik et al. 2002).
YdiY of E. coli K12
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 234 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 12 putative β-TMSs.
OMP of Arcobacter butzleri
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 240 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 12 putative β-TMSs.
OMP of Persephenella marina
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 247 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 11 putative β-TMSs.
OMP of Hirschia baltica
Putative outer membrane protein of 330 aas and 12 putative beta strands.
Putative porin of Myxococcus xanthus
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 276 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 12 putative β-TMSs.
OMP of Saprospira grandis
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 259 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 11 putative β-TMSs.
OMP of Myxococcus fulvus
DUF481 outer membrane protein of 310 aas, an N-terminal signal sequence and 12 putative β-TMSs.
OMP of Synecococcus sp.
Salt-induced DUF481 outer membrane protein of 296 aas with an N-terminal signal sequence and 12 putative β-TMSs.
OMP of Prochlorococcus marinus