TCID | Name | Domain | Kingdom/Phylum | Protein(s) |
9.B.328.1.1 | Uncharacterized protein of 314 aas and 9 or 10 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Bacillota | UP of Lactobacillus reuteri |
9.B.328.1.2 | Uncharacterized protein of 303 aas and 9 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Bacillota | UP of Lactobacillus antri |
9.B.328.1.3 | Uncharacterized protein of 292 aas and 9 TMSs. | Bacteria |
Bacillota | UP of Lactobacillus timonensis |
9.B.328.2.1 | Otolin-1-A-like protein of 219 aas and 1 N-terminal TMS. Mammalian Otolin is a multimeric glycoprotein specific to the inner ear that interacts with otoconial matrix protein, Otoconin-90 and Cerebellin-1 (Deans et al. 2010). | Eukaryota |
Metazoa, Cnidaria | Otilin-1-A of Dendronephthya gigantea |