Holin III Superfamily
Reddy, B.L. and M.H. Saier, Jr. (2013). Topological and phylogenetic analyses of bacterial holin families and superfamilies. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1828: 2654-2671.
1.E.2 - The λ Holin S (λ Holin) Family1.E.3 - The P2 Holin (P2 Holin) Family
1.E.4 - The LydA Holin (LydA Holin) Family
1.E.5 - The PRD1 Phage P35 Holin (P35 Holin) Family
1.E.20 - The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hol Holin (Hol Holin) Family
1.E.34 - The Putative Actinobacterial Holin-X (Hol-X) Family
1.E.41 - The Deinococcus/Thermus Holin (D/T-Hol) Family