CAAX Superfamily
The CAAX Superfamily has been described: PMID: 21570408, Members of this family initially included proteases in families 1.A.54, 2.A.133, 3.A.11 and 3.A.15 and then was expanded with more distantly related families. All members of the families listed in this superfamily are peptidase, many of them being signal peptidases and prepilins.
8.A.150 - The Mitochondrial Metalloendopeptidase OMA1 (OMA1) Family9.B.1 - The Integral Membrane CAAX Protease (CAAX Protease) Family
9.B.2 - The Integral Membrane CAAX Protease-2 (CAAX Protease2) Family
9.B.217 - The Transmembrane PrsW Protease (PrsW) Family
9.B.218 - The DUF2324 Family of Putative Integral Membrane Metaloproteases (IMMP) Family
9.B.220 - The CAAX Protease Self-Immunity (CAAX-PSI) Family
9.B.250 - The Uncharacterized Prokaryotic 5 TMS Protein-2 (UPP2) Family
9.B.252 - The Peptidase from Archaea and Bacteria-6 (PAB6) Family
9.B.291 - The Uncharacterized Prokaryotic Protein of 4 TMSs (UPP4) Family
9.B.297 - The Archaeosortase/Exosortase/Rhomosortase (Sortase) Family