1.A.122.  The Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus protein 3A (AEV-3A) Family 

Avian encephalomyelitis virus (AEV) protein 3A is a membrane-interacting protein containing a stretch of 21 hydrophobic amino acyl residues. Residues 45-51, the most C-terminal hydrophobic domain, are essential for membrane integration in the ER (Liu et al. 2004) and large pore-formation (able to transport proteins). This motif within the transmembrane domain is essential for the stable interaction of the protein 3A with the ER membrane.



Liu, J., T. Wei, and J. Kwang. (2004). Membrane-association properties of avian encephalomyelitis virus protein 3A. Virology 321: 297-306.


TC#NameOrganismal TypeExample

Putative protein 3A of Tremovirus A of 65 aas and 1 central TMS. It forms a pore in the ER membrane (Liu et al. 2004).

Protein 3A of Tremovirus A


Polyprotein of 2134 aas from which protein 3A is derived.

Polyprotein 2134 of Avian encephalomyelitis virus