2.A.113 The Nickel/cobalt Transporter (NicO) Family
Homologues of the NicO family have differing predicted topologies: 6, 7 and 8 TMSs. One such homologue, RcnA (YohM) of E. coli (274 aas) has 6 putative TMSs in a 3+3 arrangement with a large hydrophilic loop between putative TMSs 3 and 4. This protein is believed to catalyze Co2+ and Ni2+ efflux (Marrero et al. 2007). Several homologues of RcnA (e.g., from Ralstonia solanacearum; CAD17703) have 7 putative TMSs (4+3). Still another homologue, UreH of Methanocaldococcus janaschii (TC# 2.A.113.1.4) has 6 putative TMSs in a more characteristic 3 + 3 TMS arrangement . The repeat unit of this family (within the LysE superfamily) may have a common orign with that in the NiCoT family (TC# 2.A.52) (within the TOG superfamily), having lost TMSs 1 and 4 in the 8 TMS TOG superfamily topology to give rise to a 3 TMS repeat unit. Thus, these two superfamilies may be related but different at the repeat unit level (M. Saier, unpublished observations).
The overall reaction catalyzed by proteins of the NicO family is probably:
[Ni2+ or Co2+] (in) [Ni2+ or Co2+] (out)
Ni2+/Co2+ exporter, RcnA/RcnB (Rodrigue et al., 2005; Iwig et al., 2006). RcnB, a small 1 or 2 TMS protein of the DUF3315 or PF11776 family, regulates the activity of RcnA.
RcnAB of E. coli
RcnA (P76425)
RcnB (P64534)
Nickel/Cobalt uptake porter, NcrC of 231 aas (Marrero et al. 2007). This sequence is proably a partial sequence lacking the C-terminal 3-TMS domain as exists in it's closest homologues such as 2.A.113.1.2.
NcrC of Serratia marcescens
NicO homologue of 236 aas and 6 TMSs.
NicO homologue of Geobacillus thermoleovorans
NicO homologue of 218 aas and 6 TMSs.
NicO of Haloferax mediterrainei
NicO homologue of 284 aas and 6 TMSs.
NicO of Sphaerobacter thermophilus
Putative high affinity nickel transporter
Putative Ni2+ transporter of Treponema denticola
Ni2+ resistance protein, like NcrC
NcrC homologue of Enterobacter cloaecae (D5CKG5)
NiCoT homologue of 6 TMSs with two putative 3 TMS repeats corresponding to TMSs 2-4 and 6-8 in the 8 TMS homologues (B Tsu and DC Yee, unpublished)
NiCoT homologue of Solibacter usitatus
NicO homologue of 6 TMSs with TMSs 1-3 corresponding to TMSs 2-4 in the 8 TMS homologues, and TMSs 6-8 corresponding to TMSs 6-8 in the 8 TMS homologues (B Tsu and DC Yee, unpublished).
NicO homologue of Rhodopirellula baltica
Putative high affinity Ni2+ transporter of 320 aas and 7 TMSs in a 1 3 3 arrangement.
Nickel transporter of Starkeya novella
Uncharacterized protein of 244 aas and 6 TMSs.
UP of Fusobacterium nucleatum
Uncharacterized protein of 232 aas and 6 TMSs
UP of Oligotropha carboxidovorans
High affinity Nickel transporter of 556 aas and 8 or 9 TMSs in a 1 + 4 +3 or 4 TMS arrangement. TMS 1 is N-terminal. distant from the others. Then there are 4 TMSs followed by a hydrophilic regiion with one peak of very weak hydrophobicity. This is followed by 3 clear TMSs.
NicO family member of Streptomyces griseus
Putative Nickel transporter of 597 aas and 7 TMSs in a 1 (N-terminal) + 3 + 3 arrangement.
NicO family member in Streptomyces ipomoeae
Uncharacterized protein of 488 aas and 7 TMSs in a clear 1 + 3 + 3 arrangement.
UP of Nostoc punctiforme