TCDB is operated by the Saier Lab Bioinformatics Group

9.B.61 The Putative Pore-forming Hydrogenosomal Membrane Protein Hmp35 (Hmp35) Family

The abundant, integral membrane Hmp35 hydrogenosomal protein from Trichomonas vaginalis lacks recognizable homologues in the database. It is 319 aas and consists predominantly of β-structure. It exhibits one putative N-terminal TMS and may form oligomeric pores (Dyall et al., 2003).

References associated with 9.B.61 family:

Dyall, S.D., D.C. Lester, R.E. Schneider, M.G. Delgadillo-Correa, E. Plumper, A. Martinez, C.M. Koehler, and P.J. Johnson. (2003). Trichomonas vaginalis Hmp35, a putative pore-forming hydrogenosomal membrane protein, can form a complex in yeast mitochondria. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 30548-30561. 12766161
Huynh, C., X. Yuan, D.C. Miguel, R.L. Renberg, O. Protchenko, C.C. Philpott, I. Hamza, and N.W. Andrews. (2012). Heme Uptake by Leishmania amazonensis Is Mediated by the Transmembrane Protein LHR1. PLoS Pathog 8: e1002795. 22807677
Rada, P., P. Doležal, P.L. Jedelský, D. Bursac, A.J. Perry, M. Šedinová, K. Smíšková, M. Novotný, N.C. Beltrán, I. Hrdý, T. Lithgow, and J. Tachezy. (2011). The core components of organelle biogenesis and membrane transport in the hydrogenosomes of Trichomonas vaginalis. PLoS One 6: e24428. 21935410