9.B.38 The Myelin Proteolipid Protein (MPLP) Family
The MPLP family consists mostly of animal proteins of 4 TMSs. The prototype is glycoprotein M6a, a CNS neuronal protein found in the granuole cell layer of the embryonic neural tube. It is present in synaptic vesicles and listed as a transporter (Takamori et al., 2006). The mouse protein is of 278 aas with 4 TMSs. Its first half is very similar to the 2 TMS Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease protein of humans. A Tetrahymena homologue has 8 putative TMSs and is very distantly related to the mouse protein. This protein has a partial COG5152 domain at the C-terminus which exhibits similarity to zinc finger family members (e.g., ABF95025 of Oriza sativa) and ring finger protein 157 (e.g., CAM16808 of Mus musculus).